Tuesday 6/13/2023


Row 5 min with display on force curve, 20-22 strokes/min, easy effort


Every 2 min x 8-10 alternating sets (4-5 of each as able to keep intensity)

Odd sets – Row 20 cals in sub 60 sec, keep stroke rate < 24/min


Even sets – Line facing burpees x 20 (try to keep these sub 60 as well, stay low and keep feet moving fast)

42-41-43-46-42 – it was probably in the 5th set that i felt the pressing off the ground started to creep in as fatigue, but ryhthm was smooth good and styaing low was the key to keeping these paces for sure


Bike erg 5k easy cooldown


5 min down regulation breathing

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