Friday 5/26/2023 – Monday 5/29/2023




Zone 2 volume


PT work (external rotation isometric, wall slides, abduction isometrics)


EMOM x 8

Odd min – 30 sec toes to bar

Even min – 30 sec burpees to Touch Bar

18-15-14-11(7/3/1) _______11-10-10-10 – toe to bar just felt like they hit the wall in the 4th set, just fatigued.

+ (rest as needed)

EMOM x 8

Odd min – 30 sec strict pullups

Even min – 30 sec burpees to Touch Bar

10 (5/5)-10(4/4/1/1)-9(3/3/3)-9(3/3/3)______10-10-9*-11 – i just didn’t feel recovered in the 2nd set of pull ups on, just tried to find little ways to try and keep moving especially when i didn’t want to. And on the set of 9 burpee i just had a mental lapse

+ (rest as needed)

EMOM x 8

30 sec ski for cals

30 sec rest

83 – (10-9-10-9-9-9-9-9) – i just felt tons of fatigue in my triceps and was just trying to fight and grind


B – Tempo GHD situps x 18, rest 2 min x 5

(can keep hands at sides)


5/28 – OFF


A – Find a strict press 3RM


B – Find a front squat 5RM

275 – I smoked the 275 fairly easily and smoothly, and then i jumped to 290 and there wasn’t any mental toughness left in the tank. I hit 2 reps and they were super super slow and just made a decision that 3 more reps were not going to happen

C – Find a wtd pullup 3RM

90 – first 2 reps were easy, the last few centimeters of the last rep were slow and hard and almost not made

D – Perform 16 alternating TGU not for time with KB, challenging load but in control of form/position throughout

@44 – i could’ve easily done more if it weren’t for the press into the up position. There was no problem when i had the bell locked out, but pressing into lockout was a small amount of discomfort.

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