A – Front squat waveload – 6,4,2,6,4,2. rest 3 min bt sets (goal will be to get heavier each set inside of a wave, but also to build in load for each corresponding set on the second wave)
205-245-275-225-265-300 – so this was around my goal for my last rep, all sets felt really strong up until that set of 300. That set was probably way better than it felt, i know there was no pausing or stickinig points to grind through, it just felt super slow internally
B – Barbell hip thrusts – 4 sets of tough 10, rest 2 min bt sets, 1 sec pause at top of each rep to squeeze glutes
C1 – 1-arm landmine overhead press from half kneeling x 5/side into 2-arm landmine shoulder to shoulder press x 10 reps, rest 90 sec
C2 – Band resisted 1-arm DB row x 6/side, rest 15 sec bt arms and 90 sec after both x 3 sets
D – Sandbag bear hug reverse alternating lunges x 10 (5/side) + bear hug squats x 10, rest 3 min x 3 sets
There was no access to a 100lb sandbag so I did 150 for my first set, well, that damn near wrecked me, so on the 2nd set i tried again for the 150 and the lunges were just out of control and didn’t feel good, so i dropped the bag and used an 80lb bag. I was able to hit that weight with the 3 minutes rest, the 150 bag I might have needed a half a day at least.