Row 5 min easy
Hinging prep and hip opening warmup
Row 250m progressive intensity, last 100m or so around a 1:43-1:44/500m pace
rest walk 3 min x 4 sets
Done – and man I started wanting to regret the 7 minutes of work
Row 6-8 strokes @ high power but with smooth pulls, into
Row 20 strokes @ 1:45/500m rest walk 3-4 min x 2-3 sets
I started getting nervous here as I was having a hard time ramping up. I also feel currently I’m pretty dampened of power but do feel very enduring.
Row 2k Time Trial
7:00.1……my pic of screen split should tell the story of my pacing. I zoned out from around 1700 meters to about 800, and then had to refocus and dial it back in. With 400m left I started thinking I was going to kick at 300m, at 390m left i decided no I wasn’t. Somewhere bt 315m to 250m I got in a zone of trying to kick in a little bit and briefly forgot that this was almost over so I started grinding hard with about 230/215m left. My projected finish at that point was 7:00-7:02 I believe and I was trying to give everything I had in the tank to get sub 7. I just couldn’t get the pace below 1:37

Easy 15 min walking cooldown
5 min down regulation breathing