Wednesday 5/10/2023 – Friday 5/12/2023


10 min echo @ 55-58RPM watts, steady


12 min easy movement

Light KB arm bar x 3/side (adjust ROM as needed to get a little stretch/activation without overdoing things)

Front plank with circling hands on low rings x 30 sec (draw small circles with hands while keeping rest of the body as still as you can)

Archer pullups x 3/side

Belly to wall supported HS hold x 20-25 sec


10 min echo @ 55-58RPM watts, steady


12 min easy movement

Banded glute march x 30 steps (you’re good here, i intended for these to be the standing version)

Parallette L-sit accumulate 30 sec

Frog pumps x 30

KB around the world x 5/direction at hip height (70lbs)


4 sets @ strong effort, rest 1 min between efforts

4 shuttle runs

5 power cleans @ 135lbs

12 bar facing burpees (remove pushup if needed to keep speed high here)

I wouldn’t mind running this back some time if it fits into the template. I got to the gym and started the 10 minute portion and warming up and I just didn’t have it today. I was exhausted, lack of sleep, sinus infection, just down right felt like pooh so i only mobilized and did some shoulder therapy

5/11 – OFF



for time – w/a partner

25 synchro line facing burpee

75 row cals

50 sandbag over shoulder

75 ski cals

50 sandbag bear hug squats

75 C2 bike cals

25 synchro line facing burpee



Zone 2 volume

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