PT work (external rotation isometric, wall slides, abduction isometrics)
A1 – Iso pin press x 15 sec of hard contraction, rest 15 sec
A2 – Light dbl DB bench press x 8, rest 2 min x 4 sets
15-20-25-30 – a little bit sticky pressing through bottom range and shoulder extension, low level pain around 2 or 3 but stayed the same or slightly better deeper into the set of reps and stayed the same as i went up on the weight
B – 2 position halting Trap bar deadlift x 6, rest 2 min x 3 sets (2 sec pause 3 in off ground, and again at knee height. controlled lower to ground and reset, no TNG)
C – 2 position halting Trap bar deadlift x 4, rest 2 min x 3 sets
For time
100 wallballs, 20lbs to 11ft
Around 4:35-4:45 – i checked the clock but forgot to take notes of it. the good news is, shoulder was not effected with pain, just felt fatigued having to shoot to the higher target
7 sets of 30 russian swings, rest as needed
My pinkies are not happy
Class overlap
Partner amrap
25min amrap
50 synchro db snatch
50 synchro sa push press
50 synchro TTB
50 synchro single db box step over
50 (split anyhow) echo cals
1 + 118
30 min zone 2 bike erg
4/23 – OFF
A – Double barrel front squats 6 sets of 6, all sets heavier than week 1 (3/27), rest 2 min
175-185-190-195-200-205 ——— (3/27 numbers 155-175-185-190-192-194)
B1 – Empty bar front rack paused squat just above parallel x 20 sec, rest 20 sec
B2 – Empty bar jumping back squats x 15-18, rest 3 min x 3 sets (partial ROM, narrower stance with toes forward)
18 reps and that kind of sucked
C – 1-1/4 BB hip thrusts x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets
D – Knee tucks from plank position with feet on slider/row seat x 12-15, rest 90 sec x 4 sets
12 – i found my self shifting forward in more of a planche lean and that was a little shaky on the shoulder but when i kept the shoulders on top of my hands it was much more manageable.
Glute burnout
Banded hip abductions from seated – 25 reps leaning back + 25 reps sitting upright + 25 reps leaning forward, rest as needed x 2