Wednesday – 4/19/2023


Ring pushups @ 21X1 tempo x 5-6, rest 30 sec

Inverted BB rows with hands at chest to bar width – 5-6 reps @ 21X1 tempo, rest 30 sec

Belly to wall HS hold x 15 sec (neutral head, look directly at wall, breathe comfortably), rest 30 sec

Hollow body hang from pullup bar x 15 sec (point toes, squeeze midline/lats actively as if you were pressing yourself ‘back’), rest 1 min x 5 sets

The ring push ups felt good to do but there was a little discomfort but a good discomfort. I would say a 1 on a pain scale so this is good to be able to develop some of that pressing and that position, I only felt it when the elbow was about even with the body in the concentric pressing phase. Same on the hollow hang, slight discomfort but perfect range in the realm of continue working on it. 


For time

10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts @ 225lbs

40 DU’s after each round

3:35 – it was nice to do a quick “CrossFit” burner, but I did not feel great on the double under, 40 was the perfect number to know to start as soon as the rope was in your hands, but if it had been 50 or more i wouldn’t have had the same confidence to keep pushing hard


Echo bike 90 sec @ 20 min ‘effort’

30 sec slow spin x 6 sets (12 min)

Completely meant to track down the total distance and number of cals as a reference point. But was between 263 and 277

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