Did early – had a busy day and everything was just as hard today as it was last week. Its still the exhale, however this week, i was better at tolerating being uncomfortable during that exhale. Last week would have to take a breath break this week i did not. But last week the foot assisted hang was the easiest it was not this week but i really felt a better groove this week in the supine wall press
2 sets
3 min row @ 2:00/500m pace, directly into
Quadruped positional breathing with forearms on ground x 4-5 breaths @ 3152 tempo. push into protraction and slight thoracic flexion, and try to push arms into more shoulder flexion with each exhale as long as you can maintain good rib/pelvis orientation. goal here will be to try to breathe ‘into’ your upper back, filling the space between shoulder blades, and actually using the pressure to get some mobilization on T-spine
2 sets
3 min bike @ 300 watts, directly into
Supine overhead wall press positional breathing with hip flexion, 4-5 breaths @ 3152 tempo. apply some solid force into wall overhead, set rib cage down and pull tailbone off floor slightly. scoot very minimally away from wall as able to challenge.
2 sets
2 min ski @ 2:05/500m pace, directly into
Pronated grip foot assisted hang from pullup bar positional breathing, 4-5 breaths @ 3152 tempo. will mimic an overhead squat position, allow lats to relax and lengthen but keep rib cage down and butt tucked under.
3 times through, not for time
Side lying GHD sorenson hold x 20 sec/side, neutral head posture
Supine leg whips x 5/side
Glute airplanes x 4/side
3 counterbalanced shrimp squats/side (light DB’s outstretched in front of you to allow for better posture and more control of tempo)
3/30 – OFF
PT work (external rotation isometric, wall slides, abduction isometrics)
PT work for the week on top of external rotation iso work, wall slides – 3 sets – 50ft single arm front rack bottoms up kb carry + 40sec arm bar hold w/external and internal rotations + 10 shoulder taps from pike position
A – Close grip bench press @ 3131 tempo x 4, rest 2 min x 5 sets
Still a no go and did pin press
B – 2 position halting Trap bar deadlift x 4, rest 2 min x 5 sets (2 sec pause 3 in off ground, and again at knee height. controlled lower to ground and reset, no TNG)
240×2 – 250×1 – 260×2
E5MOM x 4 sets
Row 48 cals (progressive intensity, second 24 faster than first 24), directly into
Set 1 – 24 back squats @ 155lbs
Set 2 – 24 front squats @ 115lbs
Set 3 – 24 wallballs @ 30lbs
Set 4 – 48 air squats with weight vest
(each set starts with row, then progress to squatting variation)
3:20 – 3:25 – 3:27 – 4:20 – back rack is still a little painful but I can adjust that quickly with this load and find a way. Wall ball is still a no go. Even tried a 20 pounder but that still was painful so went with empty bb thruster. That wasn’t bad so 65 might have been a good stimulus and you are not nice. 8 more cals and 4 more reps of each yuck
C – 170 russian swings @ 24kg, break when/as needed
Doing in a separate mini session that I blended with more therapy isometric work and some thoracic work.