2-3 sets at conversational effort
3 min bike
2 min row
1 min reverse sled drag, full extension through each step
8-10 continuous sets
30 sec bike @ 75%
30 sec bike @ 80%
30 sec bike @ 85%
30 sec recovery, stay in seat and just spin slowly
**percentages here will be effort based, not speed based. try to find a different gear for each step as you go, but if they happen to change over time thats fine
This was exactly what i needed today dealing with all of the pain of my fungal infection
3 sets, not for time
Banded high to low wood chops x 10/side
Banded pallof presses from horse stance x 10/side
Banded anti-extension overhead press from tall kneeling x 10 tempo reps
Banded straight arm lat pulldowns x 15-20 (heavier band if needed)
20.1 Reboot (15 min cap)
5 Rounds for Time:
8 Ground to Overhead
10 BFB
directly into:
5 Rounds for Time:
8 Thrusters
10 BFB
14:48 – the ground to overhead portion was completed in 6:20-ish – felt i had a good smooth pace and kept my burpee pace where it needed to be but the thrusters sucked the life out of me. On round 7-8 was just seeing stars, but i will say after finishing round 8 I really didn’t want to finish but i made a decision that i was going to dig deep enough to finish, it was a good moral victory to grind to finish the workout when my effort was deteriorating fast and just made up my mind that i still could do it.
+ (rest as needed)
EMOM x 10
Odd sets – 15 GHD situps
Even sets – 5 RMU
Went every 90sec here instead of EMOM, was very tired after the wod but still had enough to complete this work with higher quality
1/22 – OFF
A – Clean complex – 2 power cleans/2 hang power cleans/2 squat cleans/2 hang squat cleans. bar never rests on floor, or excessively at hip. new complex every 3 min x 5
155-165-175-180-185 – didn’t think i would be able to get 185 but was super stoked the hardest part was the hang squat clean, everything outside of that felt smooth and strong.
Every 2 min x 5
10 BB ground to overhead @ 95lbs + 15 wallballs
(rest as needed)
Every 2 min x 5
6 dbl DB devil press @ 50/hand + 15 chest to bar pullups
Right around 58 seconds per round , but skipped the 4th minute and started set 5 and on rep 4 of the devils press my adductor felt a little funky, no injury just a slight elevation in pain
Front rack loaded wall sit 60 sec on, 3 min off x 3 (parallel, feet narrow and toes forward)
Did unloaded as i felt after the issue from the DP/C2B interval would be good isometric work then did i 26lb kb in goblet on set 2 and 2 18 kb’s in front rack on set 3
Single leg banded hip series
10/side single leg hip abduction/extension (drive hard into ground at top and squeeze butt)
10/side single leg RDL to hip extension (pull ‘back’ on ground and squeeze hammy/butt at top)
10/side single leg knee extension with dynamic eccentric (use the band resistance to force a strong deceleration after the extension)
Done w/some singler under work
*if weather allows, lets hit this with running this week
3 sets
Run 1000m
Row 1k
Run 500m
rest 8-10 min bt sets, keep them consistent
11:06-10:47-10:47 – had a little side stitch in the first set and think I could’ve been closer to the 10:47 range if I wasn’t dealing with that annoyance that round.
10 min easy bike @ cooldown effort
Snatch – 10 reps for PERFECTION, rest 45 sec bt lifts
*goal is to pick a load that you can make each rep as awesome as possible. if filming, each rep should look like each other as much as possible. no steps, no instability in catch.
So —– for some reason i had in my head to do 15 reps instead of 10 smh…..I did 14 perfect reps and 1 i had to step for – 175 – could’ve possibly done 180 for 10, my gauge was also nothing that i would need a belt for as that belt would press into my rash
Bonus camp workout
AMRAP 10 min
*EMOM starting at 0 – 3 shuttle runs
rest from 10-12, then
AMRAP 3 min
Row calories
*2 scores. # wallballs and # row cals
**target for ben – keep shuttle run cadence as high as you can, and keep wallball number confidently conservative. i tested this and did 15 WB/round, which gave me about 10 sec to rest before starting each run, if you can keep the shuttles around 21 sec/3 reps. expect legs to get HEAVY, but try to keep turnover.
15-16-16-16——–12-14-15-18 —- row cals – 61 (i think, will have to double check numbers on rower next time i am at that rower. – the round of 11 wall ball, an individual who had zero gym awareness started walking into my running lane, this was the only round that was over 21 seconds, round 7-8-9 flirted with 21 seconds but never over. After the first round i did 15 because that was your mark but then i realized i could do 1 more until that infamous round and the next round was trying to play catch up
GHD hip extensions x 10 reps with 2 sec pause at parallel at top of each rep, rest 2 min x 4 sets