Monday 1/2/2022 – Friday – 1/13/2023


Power snatch x 3 TNG reps, new set every 2 min x 3 (160-165lbs)



Power clean/push jerk x 3 TNG reps, new set every 2 min x 3 (200-205lbs)

205 felt a little sloppy here, but was trying to rush it a bit too much and wasn’t receive as high as i needed to in my rack to have the best leg drive overhead


3 rounds for time

3 ring MU

5 hang squat cleans @ 175lbs

7 BBJO @ 24in

rest 5 min x 3 full sets

4:55 – 5:13 – 5:22 – i completely underestimated the potency of the barbell. I did the 1st set unbroken and it slowed down my burpee and just had a hard time recovering in round 1… never did another UB set – so my strategies around the barbell after that were try and do a quick set, and rest as little as possible which i wasn’t always successful with. The big win here, was making myself get on the rings with a quick transition, i think i got chalk twice before but trusted my technique and would remind myself in the transition it’s only 3 and you definitely have 3 in you. One i wasn’t fast on burpee i just made sure i had good footwork to keep them going smoothly and really found a groove of getting my chest to the ground first after the footwork emphasis


Single leg banded hip series

8/side single leg hip abduction/extension (drive hard into ground at top and squeeze butt)

8/side single leg RDL to hip extension (pull ‘back’ on ground and squeeze hammy/butt at top)

8/side single leg knee extension with dynamic eccentric (use the band resistance to force a strong deceleration after the extension)



3 sets

Run 800m

Row 1k

Run 400m

rest 6-8 min bt sets, keep them consistent

10:05 – 9:46 – 10:03 – didn’t get a good enough warm up for the first one, pushed a little harder on the row in the 2nd set – and tried to just glide and be smooth on the 800m run in the 3rd and that row was a little more grindy and didn’t want to fight it


10 min easy bike @ cooldown effort


A – Bench press 5 sets of 6 reps @ 165lbs, rest as little as needed to stay unbroken

Didn’t keep track of times but felt pretty good

B – Front squat 5 sets of 5 reps @ 215lbs, rest as little as needed to stay unbroken

Was tempted to bump up to 225 but i’m glad i didn’t, felt stronger as i went


25ft Dbl DB OH carry @ 50lbs/hand

50ft HSW

25ft Dbl DB OH carry @ 50lbs/hand

50ft HSW

rest 4-5 min x 3 sets

2:02 – 2:22 – 2:02 – on the last one i tried a bit better pacing throughout, it was the last 25ft that was the hardest on set 1 and 2, had good transitions throughout set 1 and 2 and i felt like it effected me a little mentally on the last 25ft. So on the last set i decided i was going to stay a bit more relaxed throughout and stay smooth and crisp and feel it set me up to finish a tad bit better. 


Sandbag bear hug hold @ 150lbs – accumulate 6 min in as few sets as possible

*completely upright and vertical, knees locked out.

6 sets of 1 min – obviously easier mentally than last week, was still a grind but i could tolerate it a bit more today. 

1/12 – OFF


I have what i believe is a minor oblique strain. Single arm work stressed it a bit more than double arm work in the overhead position. I could feel it some times in the double kb snatch. But for the most part, I don’t feel it in normal CrossFit movements. It work me up and kept me up the past 2 nights, as sleeping on my side gets uncomfortable and i have never been able to sleep on my back. But normal daily movements are no problem, i almost have to search for it or definitely in rotational movements. Not sure if it was from the double db overhead on wednesday or the stubbornness to make sure to get a solid minute of sandbag holds but it wasn’t a problem throughout the day only noticed it at night as I laid down to rest. 

EMOM x 16

Min 1 – 35 sec single unders

Min 2 – 6 1-arm kb hang snatches + 6 1-arm KB thrusters @ 24kg (right arm)

Min 3 – 35 sec speed steps

Min 4 – 6 1-arm kb hang snatches + 6 1-arm KB thrusters @ 24kg (left arm)

Left arm for thrusters is harder to maintain a good rack when loaded with a single bell. 


EMOM x 12

Min 1 – 8 dbl KB hang snatches

Min 2 – 8 dbl KB thrusters

Min 3 – 45 sec active recovery bike

Dbl kb snatch pulled a bit on oblique but i found some good rhyhtm and tried to get a better hip hinge and that helped.


Split this up in 2 sessions – as i changed locations for the ski and row but before i started the ski and row i did about 30-40 minutes of crossover single work and slowly building in some consistency so excited to have taken the time to work on and start gaining that skill

E2MOM x 10 alternating sets (5 each) @ sustainable efforts

Odd sets – 20 cal ski

Even sets – 25 cal row

Ski was consistently around 1:03 and row was around 1:09

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