Monday & Tuesday 12/5 & 12/6/2022


Snatch waveload

1 rep each @ 145-155-165, rest 2 min after wave

1 rep each @ 155-165-175, rest 2 min after wave

1 rep each @ 165-175-185, rest 2 min after wave x 3 full waveloads (27 working reps)

*rest only as long as needed bt reps to slap 5’s on the outside)

This was fun but low back started getting tired the 3rd time through. The 2nd wave was the one i could feel the highest technical proficiency


Box Squat: 5 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 min – 2 sets @ 275, 2 sets @ 285



Every 2min for 4 Sets:

3 Hang Power Snatch @ 115lbs

6 High Box Jumps (30in)

9 Deadlifts @ 225lbs

*easy Bike until the top of the 2min

47-43-47-44 – I was expecting the box jump be the hardest for me but it was actually the deads….i felt my heart rate elevate more on the deads


Every 2min for 4 sets:


6 dbl DB Hang Clean and Jerk @ 50/hand


9 dbl DB Front Squats

easy bike until the top of the 2min

1:08-1:03-1:00-1:04 – this got very very grippy and felt like it effected the speed on my ttb, efficiency felt good but felt like i would not have been able to do 4 sets of 12 UB TTB


4 sets

Wall facing tucked HS hold WITH chin tucked x 20 sec ( )

Towel between feet tucked HS kickups to wall x 3 reps ( )

40ft plank walk with feet on slider/towel (try to limit the side to side motion of your feet as you walk, create a lot of midline tension)


Tucked kickup to stacked HS walk – 10 sets of 10-15ft for stacked position, rest 45-60 sec as needed

Went better than last week but around set 6/7 just felt like i needed to take a slightly longer break to finish efficiently


3 rounds

50ft dbl DB OH walking lunge @ 45/hand

50 DU’s


3 rounds

50ft HSW

10 burpees to touch pullup bar


5 rounds of Cindy

20:05 (not 100% sure if i did 5 rounds of Cindy or 6 but I talked a friend into jumping into this with me and he jumped ahead of me on the dubz and he modified the hs walk to shorter so i knew he was ahead so it forced me to push the rounds of cindy which were good for me to get uncomfortable and stay uncomfortable, but instead i was thinking about how many rounds i might be behind him and what i needed to do to catch him as opposed to just counting my rounds. My rope was getting tangled in my grips, like twisted tangled, i have never had that happen so i took a short break to take them off and put them back on, I probably didn’t need them for 25 total pull ups but I guess just a habit of practicing to maneuver with them on in other movements. Also, not sure if 5lbs/hand less is like a generous thought of overhead lunge or what.

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