A. Snatch: 3,3,2,2,2; rest 2 min – 65,68,70,70,70% 1RM Sn
B. CJ: 4 singles; rest as needed – 80,83,83,83% 1RM CJ
215-225×3 – something just felt off, rack position was a struggle, overhead didn’t feel great or smooh
C. Back Squat – EMOM x 5: 3 reps @ 70-75% 1RM
8min EMOM:
Min 1: 4 Shuttle Runs + Max DB Devlis Press @ 50lbs to 50 sec
Min 2: Easy Bike to 50 sec mark
MIn 3: 4 shuttle runs + Max Power Snatch @ 115lbs to 50 sec
Min 4: Easy Row to 50 sec mark
5 devils press on each round – 6 power snatch and that was a struggle – felt really off today at this point. Didn’t feel on in the clean and jerk and this felt so sluggish and too much like work, not smooth. So i called it
8min EMOM:
Min 1: 4 Shuttle Runs + Max Box Step Overs @ 50lbs to 50 sec
Min 2: Easy Bike to 50 sec mark
Min 3: 4 Shuttle Runs + Max Hang Power Clean and Jerk @ 115lbs to 50 sec
Min 4: Easy Row to 50 sec mark
For time
15 ring MU
150ft HSW
15 bar MU
9:32 – i realized something in the hs walk today – i have gotten is such a bad habit of over arching because i’m thinking it helps me keep my momentum going forward, but in this gymnastics piece i felt like it’s such a bad position for me that it loads up my shoulders way too much, inhibits my breathing and just speeds up my fatigue. Need to work back to a more vertical position. RMU was done in 1:27 so was pleased with that then the wheels fell off on hs walk
6-8 sets @ high/repeatable effort:
10 Bar Facing Burpees
50 DU’s
15 wallballs
Bike erg 500m
Rest/Walk 60 sec bt sets
(try to keep same splits as last week)
2:44-2:40-2:41-2:40-2:41-2:39-2:44 – (7 sets) burpee done around 22-23 seconds – wall ball set up once again was 40lb db/hand – and once again the dubz and bike were the hardest part of this piece.
Row 20 cals, directly into
18 chest to bar
rest 2-3 min
Echo 20 cals, directly into
18 chest to bar
rest 2-3 min
Ski 20 cals, directly into
18 chest to bar
rest 2-3 min
Row 20 cals, directly into
18 toes to bar
rest 2-3 min
Echo 20 cals, directly into
18 toes to bar
rest 2-3 min
Ski 20 cals, directly into
18 toes to bar
1:35-1:43-1:45 ——— 1:51-1:54-1:57 – 2 min rest bt c2b sets – 3 min rest bt TTB sets – don’t know what happened towards the end of the echo to ttb but i felt that yucky yucky feeling that i needed some recovery time before going into the burpee work
Every 3 min x 5
14 bar facing burpees for smooth speed (sub 45 sec finish each set)
First 3 sets – jumped the feet up and back and those were 32 seconds then did the step up and was 38 seconds
Bike erg 13 min @ damper 0, RPM>90
11/24 – OFF, Happy Turkey Day
Paused squat clean x 2 singles
Regular squat clean x 2 singles
rest 3 min x 5 working sets
*patience on paused reps
205-210-215-220-225 – the last set at 225 felt the best – but not sure i could’ve been as efficient had I worked at 225 for all sets
Isometric deadlift x 10 sec hold below knees, directly into 6 TNG deadlifts.
rest 3 min x 5 working sets
225 – this was just cruel
10-12 sets of the complex, rest 45-60 sec bt reps
Wall walk + 2 strict wall facing HSPU + Pirhouette + 1 strict butt to wall HSPU
12 sets – felt good, still a little grindy towards the end but somewhat pleased
Every 90 sec x 10 alternating sets
Odd sets – Row 100m HARD
Even sets – Ski 100m HARD
11/26 (compete overlap)
A. Bench press: 8,8,6,6; 70,75,80,85% 5RM
B. JM Barbell Press: 10-12 reps x 3 sets; rest 60-90 sec
For Time
210 Single Unders
21 Thrusters (95lbs)
150 Speed Steps (count only on 1 foot)
15 Thrusters
90 Double Unders
9 Thrusters
7:02 – ummmm I completely underestimated how much the single unders would make me feel like a little baby with the absolute most uncomfortable calf burn. And then the speed steps who then made me feel like a little bitch. Felt ok with the speed steps but not great with the single under and of course the dubz – going into those you kind of forget how to do them for a few seconds. First set of thruster was tough but then narrowed my grip a little and that felt like that made it a lot easier and smoother.
EMOM x 12:
Min 1. 3-5 Strict Uneven Ring Pull-Ups/side
Min 2: 30 sec Planche Lean
Min 3: 30 sec AMSAP Bar Hanging Tuck Hold
Min 4: Rest