Every 4 min x 4 sets (2 of each)
Odd sets – 20 cal echo bike + AMRAP RMU to 3 min mark
Even sets – 20 cal ski + AMRAP HSW 25ft increments to 3 min mark
RMU – 15-11 —— HSW – 100ft – 50ft – I went a bit too hard on bike and didn’t feel like i had control the way i should’ve, gaining 10-15sec wasn’t worth it
Every 4 min x 4 sets (2 of each)
Odd sets – 500m row + AMRAP GHD situps in remaining time
Even sets – 20 power clean and jerks @ 135lbs, AFAP
Ghdsu -> 35 – 25 – pcj -> 2:21 – 2:56
Bench press x 6,6,4,4. rest 2 min
Back squat x 6,6,4,4. rest 2 min
225-245-265-275 – wasn’t confident enough to hit 285 for the last 4 but in hindsight i think i would’ve been good
Bike erg 10 min @ damper 0, RPM>90
11/10 – OFF
Paused squat cleans – 1 rep every 45 sec x 4, rest 2 min x 5 sets
*pause at mid shin for 2 sec before completing the rep
Isometric deadlifts – 12 sec hold, new set every 2 min x 6
*lift to mid shin, hold isometrically in that position with a good brace, tension in hamstrings/lats/posterior shoulder, good brace in low back. play with loading a bit here this week, id say start around 165-185lbs and make sure you can feel the tension appropriately before you build
185 was plenty – definite good tension in lats and hammies
8-10 sets of the complex, rest 45-60 sec bt reps
Wall walk + 1 strict wall facing HSPU + Pirhouette + 1 strict butt to wall HSPU
10 sets – started getting a little sloppy on set ⅞ – wall facing felt good by the butt facing was where feet started coming off the wall, just had to make sure hand position was right and keeping core engaged
6 sets for intensity
Row 15 cals @ > 1400 cal/hr
Odd sets – 20 wallballs @ 30lbs
Even sets – 12 BBJO @ 24in
rest walk 2 min bt sets
WB – 1:30-1:26-1:24 – 30lb wall ball is not forgiving at 30lb if you catch it a little out of perfect BBJO – 1:24-1:24-1:26
AMRAP 30 sec
Power snatches @ 155lbs
rest 90 sec x 3
6-7-7 – after hitting 6 in the first set i thought i cannot have that number 2 more times and i did a much better job of following the bar down and grabbing it pretty quickly. Was pretty pleased with myself here.
3 min amrap:
15 front squat 95#
15 pull ups (kipping chin over bar)
2 min rest
3 min amrap
15 OHS 95#
15 CTB pull ups
2 min rest
3 min amrap
15 thrusters 95#
15 bar muscle ups
98 – 62 – 34 —– I feel like i really missed the opportunity to suffer here. Felt great in the first one but after I felt a little fatigue in the c2b had a moment of mental weakness and lack of confidence.
11/13 – OFF
11/14 (compete overlap)
A. Snatch: 2,2,1,1,1,1; rest as needed – 80,83,85,88,90,93%
B. Back Squat: 5,5,x; rest as needed – 77%, 82.5%; AMRAP @ 85%
275-295-6@305 there might have been one more in there but definitely not 2. After 4 I said you gotta get one more and the that rep was pretty strong so I went for one more.
4 Sets:
2min Clock:
12 Deadlifts @ 255/175#
8 Strict HSPUs
45 Double Unders
AMRAP Burpee Box Jump Overs in remaining time (24/20″”)
rest 1min bw rounds
*Score is total # of BBJOs completed in 5 rounds
Well I did 4 because it says 4 sets but in the score it says 5 rounds and didn’t see 4 until typing in notes. Total reps was 37 (12-11-8-6) deadlifts started slowing down. Came off the wall of hspu in set 4 as back started arching a little and missed one double under. I knew it was a short window so that forced some urgency in me to just kick up no matter where my hands were and grab the rope and go.