Hang Power snatch – 1 rep every 30 sec x 12
Barefoot back squat – 3 reps EMOM x 5 (nice and fast)
Every 3 min x 5 sets (keep consistent finish times)
12 cal row
12 cal ski
6 shuttle runs (out and back = 1)
I have since forgotten my times, but they were all consistent and starting playing with some efficiency on turn around of shuttle that helped me go faster there. I think, i think i was in the low 1:40 range, with a margin of 3-5 seconds
8/4 – OFF
Workout 1:
Strength Test:
12 min Clock:
0-5 min:
Find a 10 RM back squat
*Must be completed within a 30 second window. Time starts once you unrack the bar, final rep must be locked out before 30 seconds has elapsed.
5-7 min
7-12 min:
Find a 1RM Split Jerk. Must be taken from the same squat rack.
260 on the squat and 275 on the jerk – the 30sec window is definitely a game changer for squatting and i went i little more conservative. There is definitely a little more in the tank here and not a single rep was grinding. I had 7 reps at 20 seconds so the last 3 just slowed down a little, 275 felt strong and loaded up to hit 285 but when i unracked the bar it felt off and had put 1 5lb plate on one side and not the other. Not enough time to get a legit attempt. Still went for it after the buzzer but was already in my head and missed
Workout 2:
For Time:
50 Wall Balls
40 HSPUs (2″ riser)
30 OHS @ 75/55lbs
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
100′ FRWL @ 75/55
Just under 11 (don’t remember exactly. I was surprised how much i felt fatigue in the hspu, i only had about 45 minutes after the lift(s) so had some recovery time but not ideal, but hspu were not as smooth as I expected them to be. The one winner in this workout for me was when i got to the burpee I made sure I kept my cycle rate consistent and uncomfortable.
Workout 3:
5 Rounds for Time:
12 Deadlifts @ 155/105 lbs
12 Toes to Bars
9 Hang Power Cleans @ 155/105 lbs
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Shoulder to Overheads @ 155/105 lbs
6 Bar Muscle-Ups
Time Cap: 15 minutes
When will i learn that trying out new pre-workouts is not a good idea on important workouts. 4 rounds and into deads and it felt like a lot of resting and longer than 15 minutes. Strategy was to break up TTB, just feel it’s easier to come down and right back up, i have had a bad habit in the past of breaking up c2b and bmu and not getting back on the bar with the same sense of urgency. The hang power cleans were not bad, that is normally what i feel eats me up, broke those up each round but wanted to make sure my transition to the bar was quick, even when i didn’t want to go i took 6 seconds and did 3 and broke. and i do remember this one before and i remember it being just as nasty.
Workout 4:
Every 2:30 min until failure:
2 minutes to complete:
6 Shuttle Run
12/8 Row Calories
Rest 30 Seconds bw sets
**add 2 cals per set
Did this at home and it started raining so was a little limited on the ability to turn quickly on the shuttle run. 9 + 18 cals – in the round of 8, i wasn’t sure if i would finish with my current pacing so i really pushed a lot harder than i should’ve and it hit me pretty hard in the next round. My pace was holding around 1200 and up and in that round of 26 i started pushing 1400 and at that point 30sec and change were not enough to recover and produce the same effort. This was a long weekend but i could mental reminder of needing better mental preparation for events i need to get up for
8/7 – OFF
35-45 minute walk with weight vest
Done – at a park so had to separate the two sessions a little bit due to travel time and proximity
5 rounds, not for time
3 TGU/side @ 35lbs
6/side alternating tempo box step ups (2 sec up and 2 sec down each rep)
9 glute ham raises for control
Aerobic Prep
5min C2 Bike – start @ damper-0, increase damper every 60 sec, maintain a constant 1000m pace
*nose-breathing only
5 min C2 bike @ 230+
10 min C2 Bike @ 215-220
rest 10 min
x 2 sets
*Note: PUSH the last 90-120 sec of the 10 min portion
238 & 220 – 238/224/311 – even though I hit the target numbers, today just seemed so much harder to hit the numbers. My rpe to hit these numbers I would say was around a 7.74864 – was tough
Active Recovery
5min C2 bike @ damper-0 / highest RPM you can maintain while subjectively recovering
*nose-breathing only
Really didn’t want to get back onto the bike again, but thankful it was only 5 minutes
A – Paused back squat 5×5, rest 2 min (2 sec dead stop pause just below parallel on each rep)
245 across – did one set at 225 and it was a bit too easy, 245 felt just right, first 2-3 squats were smooth and easy and the pause made the last two a little more grindy but still continuous out of the whole
B – Strict press – 1 strong rep EMOM x 10 (no big builds. work speed off rack and strong lockout)
With the goal of speed off the rackt, I decided to go with kilo plates so i could make small jumps. Started at 125 on bar and kilo jumps were (added onto bar) 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 – the + 13 kilos i thought might have been too much and not enough speed but the last one felt “relatively” faster off the shoulders and after doing the math it was 155.8, pretty pleased with that. It was probably only those last 2-3 sets that weren’t as fast as we needed, maybe the last one because i knew it was the last
C – Wtd pullup – 1 strong rep EMOM x 10 (control to a dead hang at the bottom of each rep)
55 x 3, 60 x 3, 70 x 2, 80 x 2
D1 – Staggered stance BB Good mornings x 6-8/side, rest 1 min
D2 – Banded reverse squats from supine x 12-15, rest 1 min x 4 sets
Done – this was much more sneaky than i anticipated
E1 – KB halos from tall kneeling x 6 reps/direction, rest 30 sec
E2 – KB overhead drops from deadbug position x 6 reps (add 1 breath cycle at end range each rep), rest 90 sec x 4 sets
26 – that breath cycle at end range was definitely a game changer but a good feeling of keeping tension but still keeping breathing under control