Power snatch – 1 rep every 30 sec x 12
135 – a bit light, felt good and powerful
Hang squat snatch – 1 rep every 45 sec x 9
155 – was just right
Squat snatch – 1 rep every 60 sec x 6
175 – felt fast and snappy
Back squat – 6,6,4,4,2. start moderate and build, rest 2-3 min
225-245-275-295-315 – there may have been one more rep in the tank at 315 but it felt way heavier than it should’ve
Every minute on the min until failure or 15 total minutes:
7 Pull-ups
7 OHS @ 75lbs
7 bar facing burpees
7 full rounds and that was completed with 2-3 seconds left and into the next round 2 burpee. There were 2 things going on here that were some difficulties or limitations. One the desire to dig in deep really suffered into that 8th round. The other big thing was I hard a hard time shifting gears from the high tension lifting to the lower tension movements of the CrossFit piece. I warmed up pretty extensively the movements and even when i started the clock I had a hard time down shifting as I was over kipping a little on the pull up and oversnatching the OHS. I even muscle snatched a few just to not expend too much energy.
(if you fail before 15, hop on a bike and ride at a 30 min pace for rest of the window)
Dynamic running warmup
Every 7 min x 4-5 sets
500m row
400m run
3:45 – 3:37 – 3:35 – 3:35 – 3:40
During warm ups groin didn’t like sprinting but was fine at sustainable bouts. Was not happy the day after or even a few days after.
#tttTD125 New Year Throwdown:
Buy in:
2022m Row
22 Hang Power Snatch @ 95lbs
22 CTB Pull-ups
22 Thrusters @ 95lbs
22 K HSPUs
22 Power Clean and Jerk @ 95lbs
22 TTB
22 OHS @ 95lbs
22 BFB
22:38 – had a good warm up but should’ve elevated heart rate a lot more. Was a good warm up and should’ve felt some of the movements in a few more chunks of reps. rowed 7:3?????? – wanted to try and stay super steady and sustainable but thats the beauty in this workout and loading is that all the movements a fast and quick contractions. Transitions were good but my heart rate was at such the rate I wasn’t comfortable at all in the middle. Rested too long and each time I rested there were moments that I was curious if I had covid again, lol. All kidding aside. After the week i had, i was super happy to train and move and feel some level of discomfort