Week of 12/16/2021 – to 12/26/2021



Test 1:


max of the complex:

5 Sn DL

4 Hang Sq Snatch




5 min AMRAP:

Wall Walks

175 on complex and 15 on wall walk – I’ll start with wall walk, 5 in the first minute and 3 things slowed me down. Did this at the new gym and since i filmed it I was forced to use a wall that had a wooden lip about 5ft tall. Every now and again my foot/toe would get caught either going up or going down. When it got caught on the lip it fired up the ab/hip region and that got pretty angry so those are 2 things that slowed me down so my goal was just trying to do 1 rep every 15-20 sec. And then it just got tiring. I was pretty confident i could hit 165 but in warm up i decided to go for it and opened at 175 it wasn’t a clean and crisp 175, should’ve gone 180 next but was like screw it.


Cyclical Active Recovery

O2 Reloading

20-30min Easy C2 (low damper / high SPM)

10-20min Foam Roll / Light Mobility

5-10min Relaxation Breathing

Do to mom coming in i skipped this and did test 2 on friday and did a partner workout with Michelle on saturday. 


Test 2

4 Rounds for time:

21 TTB


9 DL @ 315lbs


For time:

30 DB FS @ 50lbs

45 CTB

30 DB FS @ 50lbs


20min Foam Roll / Light Mobility

10min Relaxation Breathing

8 db front squat – broke the ttb and the hspu aggressively in the first 2 rounds and at that point the ttb was ok, could’ve been more aggressive but was gun shy with it. I could feel some discomfort but found some work around technique that alleviated the pain on some reps – i broke those up 6-5-5-5 and the timing and rest breaks worked well – i broke the hspu 6-5-4 on rounds 1 and 2 and realized that was taking too much time so I think i did a 8 and 7 and a 9 and 6 and wish i had done that from the beginning. Deadlift was heavy but just grinded through it. The conservative rep breakdown was not needed and was really afraid of the TTB after the ttb/c2b/bmu piece and im sure that was just the cumulative effect not just the ttb. 


Test 3

3min AMRAP

18 BBJO buy-in

Max cals Row in remaining time

-1min Rest-

3min AMRAP

30cals Row buy-in

Max BBJO in reamining time

-1min Rest-

3min AMRAP

18 BBJO buy-in

Max cals Row in remaining time

-1min Rest-

4min AMRAP

30cals Row buy-in

Max BBJO in reamining time

For all of the frustrations with the previous 2 I was much more pleased with my effort here than the other 2. I had about 40 minutes to warm up and hit this before i had to take mom to the airport so i didn’t have time to dick around and tried to get the best warm up i could in the condensed time. Reps were as follows 35 row cals – 17bbjo – 22 row cals – 25 bbjo

12/20 – OFF


Clean grip banded deadlifts – 8 sets of 2, rest 60 sec (light bar, skinny band)



10 min continuous and sustainable effort

10 alternating box step ups with light DB’s in hands

10 russian swings

10 reverse alternating lunges with light DB’s in hands

10 dbl db death march steps

This was the first time the lunges did not hurt my hip/ab – but the step ups did the frist 2 times through and then it was ok so bumped the box up to 24”

+ (rest 5-10 min)

10 min continuous and sustainable effort

10 goblet squats with single DB

10 1-arm DB hang snatches

15 jumping air squats

5/side single leg opposite arm DB RDL

Actually went froggy and used the kb for the snatch and there was ZERO elbow pain from my right elbow which is good news from the elbow inflammation standpoint i think that is heeling well. 


A – Banded bench press – 8 sets of 3, new set EMOM at around 45-55% of bar load with skinny bands, speed focus

B1 – Clapping pushups x 2-3, rest 20-30 sec

B2 – HR pushups x 5-6 for speed, rest 20-30 sec

B3 – Prone med ball chest presses into the air x 5 for height, rest 2-3 min x 3 sets

C1 – Supine straight arm bicep openers x 10 (5 with palms up and 5 with neutral grip), rest 1 min

C2 – Banded face pulls from tall kneeling x 6-10, rest 1 min x 3 sets

D – Banded pull aparts x 10 with palms up and x 10 with palms down, rest 60 sec x 4

Skipped as the day i was going to do it my new elbow issue was freaking me out……email to explain

Did another partner workout with Michelle that was super fun but tough as hell

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