Day 1
A – Find a squat snatch 1RM
B – Find a front squat 5RM
C – Front squat myo-rep @ 80% of number from B
Start with a big unbroken set (picture AMRAP (-2)), rest 20 sec, 3-5 reps for speed and posture, rest 20 sec, 3-5 reps for speed and posture, rest 20 sec…continue in this fashion until you cannot complete at least 3 reps with good speed and mechanics OR you accumulate 50 reps for the day. For the actual reps, Do not hit full lockout at top of full depth at bottom, maintain tension throughout
Ummmmm – this sucked – 8-4-(11 x 3’s)-2 – kind of a funny thing about this, one I’d say my last 3 maybe 4 sets I got closer to 30sec rest bt than the 20……2 I only paused at the top twice and that was to rerack becuase I would have possibly lost it and cleaning the barbell back up at that point would have been extremely low on the list of things I would like to do at this point……the funny thing was, it’s kind of hard to count with that short of rest and oxygen debt, I thought I had about 4 more reps to go and after hitting that set of 2 I stopped because failure was probably going to happen on the next rep and said it’s time to call it. then I added up all my checks for for my sets and I realized it was a big win to hit all 50.
D – 5-10 min lower body movement flow
I did not sleep well at all last night and had a pretty stressful 24 hours. Definitely not the numbers I was hoping to hit and just accepted it for the day
Day 2
5 Rounds, nose-breathing only
1min Row
1min Bike (choice bike)
2 x 250m; rest as needed @ goal 30min TT pace
Broken 30min TT #2
10min @ TARGET 30min TT pace
Active Rest on rower 500m
10min @ TARGET 30min TT pace
Active Rest on rower 500m
10 @ tt pace – exact same on both, no bull shit. But by way of 2 different approaches. 1:52.4 and 2667m @ 23 spm
Day 3
A – Find a strict press 3RM
B – Find a wtd pullup 3RM
C – Perform 20 alternating TGU not for time with KB, challenging load but in control of form/position throughout
53 across. Wish I had a mid 60’s bell as that would’ve been perfect. Hip wasn’t happy on some reps but wasn’t a problem on all.
D – Band pull apart super series
I really kind of surprised myself today. For all the struggles of yesterday and not being optimal mentally and dialed in on sleep today felt like some redemption and get back. The set at 155 – 1st rep flew off my shoulders 2nd rep was smooth and 3rd was a grind but not a slow death feeling type grind.
Day 4
50 cal echo, nasal breathing only, warmup pace
AMRAP 15 min
Echo cals
Russian swings @ 32kg
kipping HSPU
(add 2 reps to each movement after each round)
12 hspu into the set of 20. This went better then I expected. Did my hspu up to 16 unbroken and was pretty pleased with myself on that. Didn’t expect that but it just felt good. Bike just told myself to find a pace that’s a little aggressive and slightly uncomfortable but still in the sustainable realm.
AMRAP 10 min @ steady pace
10 cal row
10 cal ski
10 cal bike
Done – had to double this up today based on schedule and that we are leaving much earlier than I thought we were on Friday.
Day 5
A – Clean grip deadlifts 6,6,4,4,2,2 tough, rest 3 min
275-2@5-315-335-355-375 – felt pretty good about this.
For time (10 min cap)
15 burpees to 6in touch
5 each of (toes to bar, chest to bar, Bar MU)
15 burpees to 6in touch
10 each of (toes to bar, chest to bar, Bar MU)
15 burpees to 6in touch
15 each of (toes to bar, chest to bar, Bar MU)
I was super excited to attack this workout. I remember doing this one previously and the struggles of it. So was excited to see what happens. My goal was to atta k the burpees regardless of how I felt and be smart with the bar gymnastics. In the round of 10 I found out it was going to be real real fast and realize we are in a catch 22 and have a problem. My abs were smoked on the c2b. I did 3-3-4 on bmu and thank goodness for a good powerful Kip. The ttb in the round of 15 was a grind and the c2b were not good and negative self talk crept in. I finished the 15 c2b. But no chance to get a bmu. If my abs didn’t seize up the way they did I feel I could’ve gotten a big chunk in the bmu, couls I have finished? I like to think I could’ve. We have to find a way to get some trunk flexion reps on without causing too much damage. Post workout 8 hours later and the ab/hip region is not happy. 🤞🏼 a slow drip over the course of the week could be therapy and a way to accumulate some volume. Not sure if a strategy of doing 3-4 big unbroken sets throughout the week would be somewhere to start but it’s definitely that ran through my brain in the emotional state afterwards.