Day 1
3 sets
5-6 empty BB high hang muscle snatch
5-6 empty BB low hang muscle snatch
5-6 empty BB BTN snatch grip push press
5-6 empty BB OHS @ 3221 tempo
3 sets
5-6 empty BB hang muscle clean
5-6 empty BB strict press
5-6 empty BB hang power clean
5-6 empty BB push press
5-6 empty BB zombie squat @ 3111 tempo
4-6 empty BB split jerk, alternate from foot each rep
Best barbell warm ups I’ve done in a while
Feet elevated back bridge hold x 20 sec, new set every 90-120 sec x 4-5, work on finding some range here through upper back ALONG with hip extension
Had to push down on a box as I was not able to use the wall to create the bridge
Back bridge from GHD iso hold x 30 sec, new set ever 90-120 sec x 4-5. elevate a surface to drive your hands into off the ground, body line should look like the drill above but with lower body supported we can actually work on more strength in this position
This might be one of the hardest single tasks I have done in a while, I do feel this will open up and improve these positions but by the last set I started feeling pretty dizzy and uncomfortable
Face up GHD sorenson hold at parallel – 30 sec on, rest 90 sec (hands at sides easiest, hands overhead hardest)
Loaded face down sorenson hold at parallel – 30 sec on, rest 90 sec x 4 sets (hug a weight plate or light med ball to chest, drive contraction through hamstrings/glutes)
Was able to feel like I could do the Sorenson face down but the face up just make my stomach queasy after the inverted work
Day 2
3 min bike, nasal breathing only
2 min bike, inhale through nose exhale through mouth
1 min bike, regular breathing
Every 3 min x 6-8 for consistency
Row 15 cals
Bike 15 cals
Didn’t write down all times but was hanging around 1:40 consistently
3 rounds, not for time
3/arm KB TGU, unbroken
6/arm BB suitcase deadlifts, unbroken, moderate to tough
9 1-1/4 BB hip thrusts, moderate to tough
44 on TGU – 95 on suitcase and 135 on 1 ¼ – might have been able to go a little heavier on hip thrust but that was still pretty tough
Day 3
20 sec on, 10 sec off x 4 rounds
Loaded wall sit (35-45lbs in goblet hold)
Jumping air squats
Loaded front plank (35-45lbs plank on back)
HR pushups
Hardest part of all of this was the weighted plank – dang they were tough
*rest 4 min
20 sec on, 10 sec off x 4 rounds
Banded RDL yielding isometric ( – get a good amount of band tension here, can double up around feet or under low j-cups on rig)
Russian KB swings @ 24-32kg
Passive hang from pullup bar or rings
done 12-13 on russian swings
*rest 4 min
Every 3 min x 6 sets
Run 400m @ 85-88% effort
Still trying to map out exact distance around new building but I think i got it pretty close and then check google maps after and I was pretty close. All times were under 2 minutes but i do not remember exactly at this moment
Day 4
Swim 1-1
Dry-land Warm-up
Neck/Shoulder/Thoracic/Hip/Ankle CAR’s
Swim Warm-up
1 x 100; rest as needed – Freestyle swim
1 x 100; rest as needed – Kick w/ board (head-up)
Streamline Progression
Accumulate 6 maximal distance streamline push-offs (note furthest distance)
Accumulate 6 streamline push-offs + 10 alt flutter kicks
Freestyle Technical Progression
4 x 25; rest 15sec – head-lead kick (rotate to breathe)
4 x 25; rest 15sec – 2-arm lead kick w/ board (head down, lift head to breathe)
4 x 25; rest 15sec – 1-arm lead kick w/ board (rotate head to breathe)
4 x 25; rest 15sec – 6-kick Switch
4 x 25; rest 15sec – freestyle swim
x2 rounds
total – 1200yds
Friday & Saturday – partner workouts + Saturday open water 200m swim for quality and some pushing the pace