Monday – 3/29/2021 – TTT


Mcgill big 3


3x through, not for time

Quadruped hip CARs x 2/side, slow and controlled

Quadruped rock backs with some controlled pelvic tilts at end range x 5-6

Adductor dips from half kneeling x 5-6/side, hold rig/support to remove some loading and get some controlled range

Just when you think you are somewhat mobile then you do CARs – it is a true hold my beer moment


5 rounds @ steady pace, little sweaty with a movement focus

Bike 10 cals

20 quadruped plank to pike knee extensions (elevate feet slightly, and squeeze quads at top of each –

20 mini band around knees hip thrusts from bench

Bike 10 cals

10/side straight leg adduction liftoff from side lying (

10 banded pull throughs from semi-sumo stance, controlled range

These felt really good this morning…..the bike felt easier to hold a higher pace after the hip thrusts, i will remember that next time I have to hammer down on a bike sprint…..and I put on a 30 minute playlist so the goal was to move with some intention to finish before playlist was up. It was also really hard to get a little sweaty with as cold as it was this am


Thorough warmup

One of the better warm ups I’ve hit when it was just on me for a workout


For times

20 bar facing burpees

5 squat snatches @ 165lbs

1:55 – burpee done in :56

(rest 2 min)

100 DU’s

4 squat snatches @ 185lbs

1:57 – felt the best of all the barbell lifts

(rest 2 min)

30 wallballs

3 squat snatches @ 205lbs

3:40 – took 30sec before hitting first rep, but it was not a pretty rep, 2nd rep was better, 3rd rep was rushed and missed.

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