“Other CF Total”
5 min clock for each, 1 min transition, as many attempts as needed
Bench Press
Power Clean
235-235-245 – if I had a spotter I would’ve had the confidence to put more on the bar for the bench press. 235 was a small grind but there was definitely a little more there, was it 5 or 10 more, not sure but didn’t want to risk that. Put 245 on the bar for 2 different occasions for OHS but couldn’t jerk it from the back rack, not sure if it was just feeling sluggish or what, in warm up hit 225 easily from front rack (kind of combo’d power clean and OHS), so was expecting a really good number with OHS but was just a mental road block. On power clean, I hit 245, felt just really slow elbows coming through and made the elbows feel some pain. Elbows have been really really trending up and when I felt this just decided it was a good place to call it. Definitely was more there if I needed/really wanted it so I was happy with that overall.
For time
150 wall ball (20lbs)
25 burpee ring muscle ups
16:35 – (6:24 on wall ball) – couple of big wins here, at times I wanted to stop my original plan but I said no, just stay with plan and see what happens with brmu….wall ball plan was 25-25-25 – starting next set on the minute mark, 15’s I wanted to start a new set every 45sec, so got a little more rest but still stayed consistent with plan. At that point shoulder fatigue was real but I didn’t deviate off plan even though I wanted to on last 2 sets. BRMU general plan was 1 rep every 30sec for the first big chunk and then start hitting 1 rep every 20sec (did that on 2 different occasions for I’d say an overall 12 reps) and then when I got to 21 just went, starting to feel a little fatigue that I might could miss a rep but just focused on my mechanics in those situations.