Wednesday – 3/17/2021 – TTT

Not feeling great today, my early day and haven’t adjusted to daylight savings time change of winding down at night yet. Going to meditate a little tonight and really try and get dinner earlier so the wind down process can start. Elbows are achy but have been giving them a lot of attention. Staying positive though and going to do everything i can to get things back swinging in the right direction for daily rhythms and health. 

A. Speed Squat Clean/Jerk: Work to a tough single for the day, w/ no reset in the front rack. Drive straight from clean into split jerk. Stop when you have to start pausing in front rack.



B. EMOM x 6-8:

Min 1: 3 TnG Hang Squat Clean Thrusters – 185lbs

Min 2: 3 Squat Snatch – 185lbs

Just didn’t feel good on the hang squat clean thruster, rack position was a little off at times and through off my rhythm and felt slow and not powerful out of the hole. Squat snatch was at least focused but was slow out of the hole on rep 3 on each set. 


Front Squat: 3 singles @ 85-90%; rest as needed b/t each

305 – probably quite a bit higher than my current max, but it’s been such a rough week and didn’t feel great day, just wanted to go for it and have a personal victory for the day.


2-3 sets

B-stance hip thrusts x 6/side

Side plank press ups x 10/side

American KB Swings: 25 reps – 2pd

Rest 45-60 sec b/t movements; Rest as needed b/t sets

3 sets – after not swinging kb in feels like forever i liked the big sets. And for some crazy strange reason it actually felt a little therapeutic on the elbow by the end of the 3rd sets.

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