Friday – 1/22/2021 – TTT

Today was one of the first days in a while that I was so excited and eager to train and get after it. Even though this was a movement freedom/focus kind of day I was eager and excited to move and looking forward to testing some things tomorrow in the throwdown

AMRAP 30 min @ 75% consistent effort

Row 1k

50ft forward bear crawl

50ft reverse walking lunges

Bike 2k

20sec freestanding HS hold (accumulated)

3 skin the cats on rings, controlled ROM

Spent an extra 10 minutes getting in handstand hold drills and skill work practice


A1 – Single leg straight leg liftoffs from parallette support x 10 alternating reps, rest 30 sec

Done – flet pretty good.

A2 – Knee tucks with feet on sliders and hands on parallettes x 5 slow controlled reps, constant hollow position, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

Ummmm knew these would be hard but was surprised how tough they were

B – Negative body levers – 1 rep for control EMOM x 10 (long body line, minimum of 5 count negative from top to bottom)

Stayed long as long as I possibly could. Then went to 1 leg tuck and then finished that last few degrees in full tuck

C – Frog pumps 3 sets of 40, rest 90 sec


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