Friday & Saturday – 8/28/2020 & 8/29/2020 – TTT


3 min window

30 chest to bar pullups

AMRAP row cals in remaining time

44 and 24 – so I probably made a big mistake here, but I wanted to go for it, just to see if I could do it, but it definitely set me up for failure for the rest of the 1st set. I just wanted to see if I could do all 30 UB, and I did, and then getting on to the row, even though my legs felt good, I couldn’t really feel my arms, but this first 3 min window absolutely killed me. 2nd set I started with a set of 12, then 8 and then had to do a several sets of 2, was just in a little bit of discomfort the 2nd time through

(rest 2 min)

3 min window

30 toes to bar

AMRAP bike cals in remaining time

24-19 – my grip was more shot than anything on the ttb and just limited my will to grind and gut it out. The 2nd set I felt like I was going to throw up on the bike

(rest 2 min)

3 min window

30 kipping HSPU

AMRAP ski cals in remaining time

(rest 10 min x 2 times through)

19-16 – survive was the name of the game by the time I got here. First set on hspu did 16-8-4 then the next time through I was just going to do all 6’s but ended up having to hit a few sets of 5’s and a 4


Run 20 min with weighted vest @ conversation effort

“Run” is a very conservative term here.


tttTD (2-part BB)

The way things shaked out with my partner we had to do this on friday with a change to his schedule. 

Squat clean ladder – the way the barbell felt at 225 I was a little worried, and then 275 felt he easy, I hit the first rep, he hit the next, I hit the 3rd and as he was getting ready I asked if he wanted me to go ahead and hit it, as good as I felt from the first rep I would’ve liked to have seen how little rest I would’ve needed to hit 2 in a row, but he did end up missing it and i picked it up. I wanted one solid attempt at 315, was just too slow off the ground as I feel the bar pulled me forward a little so I didn’t even attempt to finish my pull. 

12:06 – Even work on the power clean in sets of 3’s, wish we had gone 4’s at the least and probably would’ve been ok at 5’s even, front squats were the toughest part, hit sets no less than 6, even hit a few sets of 8, probably did 34-36 of the 60 reps, and in the sto did no less than 8.

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