A – Thruster from rack x 1, new set every 120 sec x 6 (max it out by the end)
245 – went for 255, just watched video and I was closer than I thought. drove the bar off my shoulders pretty well but wasn’t ready to grind and finsish the press.
B1 – Overcoming isometric snatch grip pin pull below knees x 10 sec, rest 20 sec
B2 – Banded pull throughs from pseudo sumo stance x 15 for hip pop and glute squeeze, rest 20 sec
B3 – BB hip thrusts from low shoulder support height x 6 @ 225lbs with mini band around knees + 6 @ 225lbs with no band, rest 3 min x 3 sets
That mini band was a game changer
10 rounds for time
4 strict presses @ 115lbs
6 chest to bar pullups
8 V-ups 11:23 – i think – c2b felt really really good today, v-ups smh, because I was trying to do “high quality” v-ups it got down to singles on v-ups, was trying to find a good rhythm of moving quickly and breathing bt reps.