Tuesday – 4/14/2020 – TTT

Breathe Retention Holds: 5 attempts; rest 90 sec b/t attempts

Much lower today, had a harder time relaxing 14-16-20-22-18


Row 5 min – start easy & increase speed every minute to a 90% effort



EMOM x 30 or until failure

Odd sets – 15 cal Row

Even sets – 15 burpees (jump/clap behind head)

(if you fail before 30 min, take a 2 min break, then reduce both counts by 2 (doing 13/13 each round). if you fail again, do the same to drop to 11/11, and so on until you complete 30 min or 15 rounds of each)

Made 21 – after barely finishing that round on the rower I did 1 burpee and checked the clock and it was already 5 seconds in, mentally wasn’t going to fight to finish it, did one more burpee and it probably wasn’t going to happen. So I rested the remainder of that minute, the next minute and started burpee on that ensuing minute. I wanted to be a little stubborn so I wanted to stay at 15/15. 3 more successful rounds and then missed the row as it turned to 15 at the top of the minute. Took my 2 minutes rest and went for 13/13. 5 intervals there, I never thought that in this 30 minute piece that the row would be harder to get then the burpee for me. Lost discipline to stay in good technique on the rower and I know that took its toll. I feel that started around minute 17. Minutes 11-19 flew by. 


10/side single leg DB hip thrusts

15/side lying hip abductions with band or light weight resistance for top leg

20 sumo deadlifts with controlled descent, light load, 75-95, rest as needed x 2-3 sets

2 sets, and did sumo deadlift w/2 pood kb as it seemed easier than mustering up the energy to load a barbell

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