Monday – 3/23/2020 – TTT

A – Exaggerated arching hang into dead hang x 3-4 ‘reps’, hold each position for 3-4 sec, rest as needed x 5 sets (

really like these – myabe in my post crossfit career I want to dream of moving like these guys in the Ido Portal clan

B1 – Band resisted strict C2B AMRAP (-1), rest 30 sec


B2 – Strict C2B AMRAP (-1), rest 30 sec


B3 – Band assisted strict C2B AMRAP (-1), rest 4-5 min x 3 sets (same)


C1 – Strict HSPU AMRAP (-1), rest 30 sec


C2 – Kipping HSPU AMRAP (-1), rest 30 sec


C3 – BB shoulder to overhead @ 105lbs AMRAP TNG reps (any pause terminates set), rest 4-5 min x 3 sets


D1 – 1-arm DB bench press x 8/side, rest 15 sec bt arms, 60 sec after both

50 – controlled and felt good. 50 is as heavy as I have for db’s but do have a 70lb kb

D2 – 1-arm DB bent over row x 8/side, rest 15 sec bt arms, 60 sec after both x 3 sets


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