Wednesday – 1/19/2020

2/19 (DSGN overlap)

Part 1 – Strength:

A. Below Knee Paused Squat Snatch x 1 + Squat Snatch x1; Rest 15 sec b/t reps; Rest 2 min b/t sets x 5 sets

165×1, 175×2, 185×2

B. Power Clean x 2 + Squat Clean x 1; Rest 12 sec b/t reps; Rest 2 min b/t sets x 3-5 complexes

225 across

C. BB clean grip floating deadlifts; 6 reps x4, rest 2 min


Part 2 – Cycling Speed:

10 sets for times:

5 Strict HSPU’s

10 TTB

15ft HS Walk

Rest 60-90 sec b/t sets

51-48-51-49-47-48-44-47-48-51 (took a little longer break after 6, original I had planned to modify in some capacity, at this point, Michelle was calling it and then she told me I had to finish)

Every 90-120 sec x 6 sets:

5 S2O – 115/75#

10 Deadlift – 115/75#

15 Box Jumps – 24/20″, any how

Did about 9 step ups per round and mixed in the box jumps strategically – longest round was 1:03 – went new set every 120

Part 3 – Core Finisher

3 sets:

D1. GHD Circling Back Extensions: 5-7 reps/side + 10-15 sec SL GHD Sorenson Hold/side

Did this piece at gym and did D2 at home – was running low on energy and had been in the gym a long time

D2. Star plank from elbow: 30 sec/side; rest 10 sec bt sides

Rest 90 sec b/t each

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