tttTD (thruster/ski, HSPU)
14:08 – I broke up each set of the thruster into three sets until I got to 12, my thought was that if I take small quick breaks (I do feel that I kept my rest fairly linear across all breaks) then I can keep the ski above 1200, and for the most part I did keep the ski above 1200, only once or twice did it dip but I got it back up pretty quickly. After finishing the set of 12 thruster I could feel my low back get really tight, I just think my hips were not open enough and my back was taking the brunt of the extension, so that burned and slowed me down a little and really felt it as my hspu got tired and my back went into over extension. HSPU were just survival.
Back squats – 8,8,6,6,4. leave 2 reps in reserve each set, heavier each set., rest 3 min
205-225-255-275-295 – the 4 @ 295, might have had one more in the tank
Front Squats – 5,5,5,5, rest 3 min, same load across, rest 2 min
225 acorss
A1 – Mini band fire hydrants x 8/side (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkE3kqGwVIM)
A2 – Mini band psoas march x 5/side (alternating legs each rep, https://youtu.be/rA8V4jRP0l4?t=2m6s)
A3 – Mini band lateral monster walk x 10/direction (https://youtu.be/5wUk8wQNUT8?t=40s)
A4 – Mini band around knees hip thrusts with upper back on bench x 10 (squeeze butt at top, https://youtu.be/qa89MEDR37o?t=33s), rest as needed x 3 times through series
2/16 – OFF
A – Sumo deadlifts x 8 (not TNG), rest 2 min x 4 sets
205-215-225-235 – i kept these fairly light but at this load I felt a super controlled tempo and major drive from my hamstrings
B1 – Goblet Split squats with rear foot on band @ 2121 tempo x 6-8/side
Done at 26 and these were awesome and the perfect challenge. I’m sure I could’ve knocked out the 35 pretty easily but these felt solid, stable and controlled
B2 – Half kneeling hip flexor isometric contraction with 3 slow knee extensions (do not lean back – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl3yLlPmkaw), rest as needed x 3 sets
Man these were tough, getting full extension was a fight, and I didn’t know what you meant about do not lean back until I did one rep with that and realized that was too easy and not the goal
C1 – Straight leg bent over forward sled drag x 100ft, rest 30 sec
C2 – Backwards sled drag x 100ft, rest 30 sec
C3 – Sideways sled drag x 50ft/direction, rest 2 min x 3 sets
D – 12 1-arm TGU @ 53lbs, not for time, alternate every 2 reps
Done and TGU are not fun
AB 100 cal progressive intensity warmup
AB 50 cals @ 90% effort, rest 2 min x 3
rest 6 min x 2 (6 total, try to keep finish times within 5 sec of each other, high aerobic effort
2:56 – 3:02 – 3:07 – 3:11 – 3:11 – 3:07
Diaphragmatic breathing 6-8 min
Done – in the neck hammock
Active hollow body hold banded pulldowns and banded Y’s x 12/position x 2 sets, rest as needed
Active arch/hollow hangs x 6 iterations x 5 sets, rest as needed (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj-ibFuHVXC/)
Done – and these felt the best they have ever felt today
Sliding glide kip skill work x 5-6 min (https://www.instagram.com/p/BTWfJa2BvBw/)
Done and good stuff today going for time instead of predetermined rep structure
Single arm DB bench press x 8/side, moderate load with good speed throughout, no grindy reps, rest 30 sec bt arms x 4 sets
50 across
EMOM x 24-30 as able to keep good quality
Min 1 – 40 sec row @ 1:50/500m
Min 2 – Feet elevated ring rows x 10-12 tough reps (add weight vest)
Min 3 – 40 sec GHD sorenson hold
Min 4 – 15-18 ring pushups (add weight vest)
Min 5 – 40 sec AB @ 400 watts
Min 6 – 20 sec heavy front rack BB isometric hold (load this up to really challenge bracing/breathing mechanics, somewhere around 275-295lbs)
30 minutes – warming up I started having flashbacks of the bike in the am session, after I got going I was fine. Ring rows were the hardest, BB at 275
1-arm banded KB OH carry x 75ft/side x 4 sets each, rest 60 sec bt arms, KB should be just below shoulder with band in hand, so double/triple strap it as needed
This was awesome and tried to not let it rest on my shoulders for support or stability. But I really liked these a lot