A – Strict press cluster – 2.2.2 x 4, rest 20 sec/3 min
135×2, 140, 145
B1 – 1-arm DB incline bench x 8/side, tough, rest 15 sec/60 sec
B2 – 1-arm bent over DB row x 8/sde, tough with hand on bench for support, rest 15 sec/60 sec x 3 sets
6 rounds not for time, steady movement, with weight vest
5 strict pullups
10 hand release pushups
20 walking lunges
This was good today as I didn’t feel a spark or a ton of energy today
C1 – Banded tricep pulldown x 20-25, rest 30 sec
C2 – Banded bicep curls x 20-25, rest 90 sec x 2
11/28 – OFF
warmup series for MU
Hip bridge single leg extension x 6/side with hard glute squeeze at top of each rep (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjwrrFzWwcM)
Reverse table top plank pressup x 6 with hard glute squeeze at top of each rep
(Hollow rocks x 3 into hip extension x 1) * 3 reps
1-2 times through this series
Ring MU snap pull with hip extension into turnover from feet on floor – 3-5 reps (hard pull on rings timed with hip extension to generate momentum – https://youtu.be/2Dq6NbpRar4?t=110)
Ring MU pop swing with snap pull from hang – 3-5 reps (swing feet, then stop them abruptly and push hips forward/up – https://youtu.be/N4Q9JDRcAac?t=98)
Strict dips for depth x 2-3 + kipping dips with pause in bottom before kip x 3-5, rest as needed x 2-3 sets
First time I have really emphasized strict ring dips and even though I was still a little nervous I felt in control and stable w/no pain
A – Ring MU beat swings x 8 sec + 2 ring MU + 4 strict dips after second rep – new complex every 2 min x 6-8
The drills really started to make sense as the rounds went on. Only did 6 set as my hands started to feel extremely raw
B – Straight arm ring support hold with alternating knee raises x 6/side, rest 2 min x 4 sets
C – Banded strict press x 6 with 2 sec hold at extension, rest 2 min x 4
65 w/green bands
D – Wtd ring lean away pullups with slow negative x 2-3, rest 2 min x 4
Weight vest @ 20
E1 – Banded tricep pulldown x 25-30, rest 30 sec
E2 – Banded bicep curls x 25-30, rest 90 sec x 2
A – Back squats – 3 sets of 8, go to just below parallel, dont bottom out, rest 2 min
225-245-265 – this felt really good today. The 225 for the first was too low but I didn’t expect it to feel as easy as it did
B1 – BB hip thrusts from bench x 12, rest 1 min
B2 – Bridge hamstring curls with feet in low rings or on swiss ball x 5-6, rest 1 min x 3-4 sets
Had access to TRX today
3 sets for times, rest 4-6 min to recovery between
AB 20 cals
15 wallballs @ 30lbs
AB 10 cals
2:06 – 2:02 – 2:10