Monday – 9/23/2019 – TTT

A – Hang Power snatch – tough single


Might have had a little more in the tank but this felt clean crisp and solid. Also very positive notes warming up. My old protocol was to hit some complexes that started with a muscle snatch but haven’t been able to do that pain free since the shoulder injury until today. Stopped doing the muscle snatch @ 135 which is very encouraging. 


Open workout 16.3 (BMU/Snatches)

7 full rounds – 91 reps

There are some major positives I take away from today. Not super happy with my score here and that is where the takeaways come in. First off, last night I was super excited to retest this and get after it, then when it was time to go, I wasn’t as excited and wasn’t mentally ready for the pain. I remember this workout from 2016 and I remember grip endurance was a big factor, and I remember breaking up the barbell work early. Outside of that I didn’t strategize much. I filmed the workout and here’s what I did well, from the last bar muscle up to the first snatch, I took 5 seconds to get my both hands on the barbell and move the first snatch, the current set up I have isn’t great for space and bar muscle up work (this could be an issue so today was good to see when transitions are imperative of how to maximize my space here). From what I remember of breaking this up early, I did sets of 4/3/3 on average which might be good but I did a piss poor job of getting my hands back on the bar, average break time over the course of the rounds I took breaks was 17 seconds, this is including the first round when I took 4 seconds and 2 sets. The last round I did the  power snatch ub and completed that round in 39 seconds. 

My major takeways from today are that I rested/breaked way too long. Transitions from bmu to bar I’m happy with. I do believe I have people here that when I tell them to not let my break too long will hold me to it, I mean lets be honest, if I do 10 reps in 4 sets, and rest 4-5 sec bt I’m already shorter rest time then I did today. Biggest break started happening in round 4&5. My best feedback is that in the last round when I needed to go, I could, and it hurt a little and I was completely fine afterwards, I have to remember that. Us old guys we don’t like feeling that pain from that dark place, but I have 3 weeks to fine tune the mentality that the pain is worth it and it is only temporary. Great learning tools today and use of video analysis to see the simple easy fixable mistakes, I just have to be willing to suffer. One other thing, I noticed in the top of the bmu I was pausing on top of the bar for no reason, just that moment before you start the next rep, I feel like I cleaned that up in round 3, if I need the break then fine but not for 3 reps.

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