A – Clean and jerk – build to tough double for the day, less than 20 sec bt reps
Missed the second jerk at my attempt at 265
B – Squat clean – 10 reps for time @ 225lbs, 1 set, hit it hard
I glanced at the clock when getting ready to grab the barbell for the 8th rep and it was at 44 seconds, what flashed through my mind was that I could finish sub 60sec, with that I rushed rep 8, didn’t finish my pull and bar was too far forward to save it. The cost of that miss was big as far as lost time goes. I did feel some leg fatigue, was a little concerned that it might lead to a missed rep coming out of the whole but wanted to push it and find out. I would say rep 7 was where I started having that thought. Could’ve lead to the miss along with visually seeing the clock as well.
C – Double barrel front squats 4 sets of 3, rest 3 min
185×2, 205×2
8 rounds
1 rope climb
10 back squats @ 95lbs
Every time I went to really speed up my squat cycle from around round 5 or 6 I could feel some low back discomfort. Not a problem at all when I was just steady down and up, but if I tried to speed it up is when I felt it.