Wednesday – 5/29/2019 – TTT

A. Power clean x 1/hang power clean x 2/front squat x 3 – 1 complex on the min for 10 min @50-66% 1RM.


Felt really light and strong. Definitely could’ve handled a little more weight



Overhead squats 165lbs

Bar Muscle ups


All ohs UB –

Bmu – 6 – 5/4 – 6/4/2

On the last round of muscle up was just mental drained that I struggled to trust myself to jump right back on the bar.


EMOM 10 min:

Odd- 10 toes to bar

Even- 10 thrusters @ 95lbs

Um – yuck

My hands were not happy here. Not sure why, it wasn’t a ton of volume of bmu but they just hurt on the ttb


Star plank x 40 sec/side, rest 80 sec bt sides x 3 sets

Not pretty and had to accumulate the time. Body was just tired and it’s relative to sleep more than anything.

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