Tuesday – 4/30/2019 – TTT

Rope climb skill work, self directed, low volume

Did a 10 min emom of regular rope climb, my main focus was to spend time on the descent. This allowed me to get some good volume and not being grip/bicep exhausted. I feel I got a little better today.
400m weight vest run, rest 90 sec x 4, keep intensity high

Goal was to keep each run around 1:40, with triple turn arounds
EMOM x 20
Min 1-4: 50ft reverse bear crawl
Min 5-8: 14 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs
Min 9-12: 50ft plank walk with feet on sliders
Min 13-16: 50 DU’s
Min 17-20: 14 AB cals


Holy smokes, this was 10X harder than I thought it was going to be. It was fun for sure, but caught me off guard from the 2nd minute.


Strategy email coming tomorrow. This past week has been insanely crazy. I will have a major (extremely positive) life changing event happening in the future. Nothing but positive things that will come out of it. I would love to chat about it sometime next week if we can sneak on a quick call.

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