Wednesday – 2/20/2019 – TTT

Power clean x 1.1.1, rest 15 sec bt reps, 3 min bt sets x 3

Front squat – 3×3 @ 85%, keep good speed, rest 2-3 min

1 set @ high effort
15 chest to bar pullups
15 wallballs @ 30lbs
15 cal AB @ 600+ watts

(rest to full recovery)
1 set @ high effort
75 DU’s
10 dbl DB devil press @ 50/hand
20 dbl DB front rack squats @ 50/hand

(rest to full recovery)
Ski 250m hard effort



Of all the things we’ve done this week and over the past week, this forearm is annoying and only pull ups have effected it. To the best of my self assessment I feel it is a strain in the brachioradialis, I was hoping it was just a super nasty knot, which I’m still hoping for. Only the c2b have made me feel it, and it is iritated from point of chest contact to the arch position. Nothing else irritates it. During this day, I did not do a ton of pull up prep, I did prep my est but not specifically pulling. So we can only speculate that a thorough warm up of blood flow in there can help minimize this issue. Some isometric work and some negatives, maybe some light db iso holds and hammer curls w/long eccentrics?

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