Quick foot note, I suffered a pretty bad fall last night, it was dog and weather related not old man related. Just a bruised hip that made external rotation feel like the worst soreness.
A1 – Ring rows into external rotation x 6 (start in standard ring row position with feet on ground and body leaned back, then pull arms into an abducted/externally rotated position as you bring body up, will end at a 90/90 position for humerus/elbows with tension in posterior shoulder), rest 30 sec
A2 – Reverse ring flys x 6 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU2__05BdGs), rest 30 sec
A3 – Dbl DB light ITY from chest supported position x 8-10, rest 90 sec x 3
B – KB screwdrivers from supine x 6/side x 3 sets, rest as needed
I loved this work bt A&B – I’ve been wanting to do more trap 3 raises and powell raises so this was perfect.
For time
Ski cals
Row cals
Burpees to 6in touch
(rest 8 min)
For time
Ski cals
Row cals
Burpees to 6in touch
This was actually pretty fun. On the front end, the 21 burpee was a slower pace than I wanted. Just tried to get a rhythm when I started and when I glanced at the clock, quick calculation was off the pace I wanted to have so I just tried to be aware that I needed my cadence to be more aggressive. Trying to remember my pacing on rows but I tried to keep my 21’s on front end around 1400 – same for 15’s, and dipped into 1600-1700 for 9’s. Don’t remember on ski but I know I was trying to move as fast as I could sustain and not pace at all.
Pretty similar numbers in the 2nd piece from what I can remember.