HS skill work
Wall walk into lean away and progressive controlled steps away from wall
Kick up to partner spot and static hold then controlled steps forward – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXXIL2NHgNg&list=PL_6Iqj7TQV2PsbWl6uboBnD7gQR05z_KA&index=14
Wall facing HS hold in hollow body, focus on full breath cycles and equal pressure/activation in shoulders – 40 sec on, 80 sec rest x 5 sets
First 30 seconds were solid – and then the last 10 seconds especially on the set 4 & 5 were hard. I felt pretty taxed, fight was also in trying to maintain midline. I was super active in pressing through the ground through my hands, maybe a bit to much tension? Needless to say, 35 seconds wouldn’t have been enough, 40sec was super hard
For time
20 ring MU
(5 burpees to start, and 5 more EMOM after)
8 (UB)- (1/x/1)-2-3-(4/x)-1
Was pleased with the set of 8, but lats didn’t feel recovered going into the next minute and think thats why I missed a rep
For time
60 kipping HSPU (go with strict open standard here for line and hand width, try to have someone judge if possible)
(20 DU’s to start, and 20 more EMOM after)
The last 1-2 reps/round were a grind, fighting for lockout, losing good midline position. hitting those consistent 8’s and 7’s was not a plan that was a grind to get there on each round
Wanted to get 30 on the first set, but upper body pushing endurance wasn’t happening at that point.
Assault bike 90 sec @ 350 watts
AB 30 sec high effort (get up above 600 watts)
rest walk 2-3 min x 6 sets as able to sustain this effort
30s – I held from 622 – 644 watts – rested 3 minutes each time –
After the third round I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to sustain, but found a happy place to endure the pain in set 4, dipped closer to 601 – 622 watts – so I took about a 3:30m rest and did one more. Ran out of time at that point, but finished with 5 solid sets.