HS walk skill
Wrist rocks from quadruped x 5/position (fingers forward, sideways, backwards)
Fingertip walk from quadruped x 5/side
Inchworms x 40ft
12-14 ‘reps’ of wall walk into lean away and controlled pirhouette after 1-2 steps, rest as needed (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkgDui28Vts&t=0s&list=PL_6Iqj7TQV2PsbWl6uboBnD7gQR05z_KA&index=13)
A – Squat snatch x 1/OHS x 1/Hang Squat snatch x 1/OHS x 3, rest 3 min x 5 working sets
B – Dbl KB front rack reverse alternating lunges x 16 steps, rest 2 min x 4 sets
50 – 4 more steps was so much worse
5 rounds for time
30ft HS walk (15ft turnaround)
5 ring MU
I was too exctied on my walks, overextended from my back several times and wasn’t patient. Muscle ups started good, and then I could feel doing the same overextension that was happening on my walks. This was good though becuase it was a good learning tool for me to look back and all the small fixable moments. Also towards the 4th and 5th rounds, my hands were not moving well on the rings, kind of sticking, this caused me to miss a muscle up in the last round.
(rest 15 min)
For time
40 dbl DB box step overs (50/hand, 24in)
40 chest to bar pullups
Step overs started out not feeling too bad, but when I felt the grip and trap work starting to kick in I knew I had to start chopping them up. Pull ups went 10/10/7/6/quick singles
(rest 15 min)
For time
10 rope climbs to 15′
Started out pretty good, but at this point I was physically tired and the ability to endure the work was fading
15 min easy bike cooldown
A1 – Single arm banded pulldowns from straight leg seated x 10/side (sit directly under pullup bar, band anchored to bar above you), rest 45 sec
A2 – Band resisted pushups x 12 (band across back and held in hands), rest 45 sec
A3 – Banded tricep press downs x 18-20, rest 45 sec
A4 – Banded face pulls x 8-10, rest 45 sec x 3 sets”
Did not get to any of this. By the time I got here, I was mentally and physically exhausted and had been in the training session for close to 3 hours between warm up and prep and execution. Just was smoked.