Saturday – 12/15/2018 – TTT

A – Front squat waveload – 4,2,1,4,2,1. rest 3 min bt sets, get heavier with each step in the wave and then corresponding sets for each wave.


B – Back rack split squats x 6/side x 3 sets, rest 1 min bt legs



30 min AMRAP:

60 cal row

60 DU

60 Alt. DB Snatch @ 50lbs

60 DU

60 cal AB

60 DU

60 lateral burpees over rower

60 DU

60 single arm DB hang squat clean @50lbs

60 DU



Of course the burpee ate up this biggest chunk of time – tried to play little mental games with myself to keep me moving, some fast and some slower to tolerate the higher turnover mentally. On the single arm squat cleans – my back started to tighten up, it was enough to slow me down and get in my own head but not enough to be painful just uncomfortable.

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