Wednesday – 10/31/2018 – TTT

A – Paused squat snatches – 1 rep EMOM x 15 (pause below knee for 2 sec before finishing the lift, try for these around 165 this week)

165 on the first 5 – 175 middle 5, and 185 last 5.

Probably should’ve stayed w/175 as it felt fast and smooth. 185 didn’t feel as fast but still went well
B – Snatch pulls 3×3, rest 2-3 min (205-225 this week)


Sleep was much much better today and felt good, explosive with good position
C – Floating snatch grip deadlifts 4 sets of 6, rest 2 min

D – BB hip thrusts 5 sets of 15, rest 2-3 min (squeeze butt at top, stop and fix position if you feel your lower back burn or compensate)

135 across
E – DB side bends x 12/side x 3 sets, rest as needed

Felt good with good ROM

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