Banded ankle dorsiflexion x 10/side
Banded ankle plantarflexion x 10/side, 2 sets
A1 – Banded terminal knee extensions x 18/side
A2 – Seated sumo stance BB good mornings x 6-8
A3 – Bent knee GHD hip extensions x 8-10, rest as needed x 3 sets
3 min dynamic occlusion. tie tourniquet/band gently at top of each leg at around 6/10 tightness, light air bike for 3 min, then dismount and remove bands, rest 3-5 min and repeat 1 more time for 2 sets
Dynamic Activation running drills AND scap stability drills for DB thrusters
Run 100m progressive intensity, ending high effort into 5/side single arm DB thrusters, rest walk back to start x 4
Run/DB thruster workout in full
I do not think the apple watch was completely accurate, It registered 800 meters at around 5:15, I’m well aware that I’m not a great runner but that felt way off and that would be slower than a 10 min mile, I’m pretty sure I wasn’t running that slow. I still ran “900m” on the back end and that was about the same. The first 100m were slow, but I didn’t walk as much as I wanted to but I made sure I pushed on. Picked it up and I grinded.
Thrusters were done in 2 sets – 15 in left hand/20 in right hand – then 15 in left and 10 in right.
Circling GHD hip extensions x 3/direction
Twisting GHD sorenson hold x 3/direction
Hip blocked GHD back extensions x 4 slow reps (ensure spinal flexion/extension)
Reverse leg lifts from bench with mini band around ankles and ab mat under hips x 6-8, no spine extension here
2-3 times through
I know we use a ton of multiplanar work for posterior chain/midline, is there any value to anterior chain multiplanar or should that just stay with good old globo gym?