KB drag through from elbow plank x 5/side
Banded face pulls x 10
Scap pushups x 8-10
Change plate teacup rotations x 3/direction/arm
3 times through
A – Paused snatch x 1/Below knee hang squat snatch x 1/Squat snatch x 1 – 5 sets, rest 10 sec bt reps, 2 min bt sets
Went for 205 again and missed the hang
B – Front squat 4 sets of 8, no longer than 1 sec pause at top of each rep, rest 3 min
235 across.
I survived, might have been way to aggressive. Went up 10 lbs from last week on sheer will and determination
C1 – Sumo deadlifts x 6,6,4,4, rest 90 sec
Felt heavy as shit today
C2 – Band assisted L-sit from floor x 15-20 sec, rest 90 sec x 5
D – CO symmetry full, add in 10-15 sec straight arm ring support hold between each movement