Therapy work
AB 3 min @ 150 watts
AB 3 min @ 200 watts
AB 3 min @ 250 watts
AB 4 min @ 325-375 watts
2 min walk rest with full breath cycles x 2 sets
Side plank from elbow x 20 sec/side (change this to sidelying sorenson hold on GHD if shoulder cant support this position)
Glute bridge iso hold x 20 sec, active contraction
Mcgill curl up x 3/side, active contraction
rest as needed x 3 sets
AB 4 min @ 325-375 watts
2 min walk rest with full breath cycles x 2 sets
All good today. Side plank was fine with no problem. Got a lot of work done today. Final diagnosis is a highly inflamed biceps tendon.
Feeling better and more confident day by day.
Also gave me a chance to watch/judge/and see many others do this workout. Would it be safe to say that for 99% of the population this is a hspu workout, and for the other 1% it is a deadlift workout?
Is it fair to say a lot depends on how the new standard effects the individual athletes position/forearm relative anthropometrics length, putting the emphasis on hspu for most?
Going to look at my set up for hspu tomorrow and just get a gauge on feel of shoulder and idea of what to be prepared for.