A – Jerk dip squat x 3/Split jerk x 1, rest 2-3 min x 4 sets
B1 – Shoulder to overhead x 8 TNG reps, rest 90 sec
Might have been a little aggressive but was still tng at the shoudlers. Push pressed round 2 and that’s what made set 3&4 a grind
B2 – C2B x 16, rest 90 sec x 4 sets
Felt good, had to adjust grip a little. Where my hand ripped in 18.1 is annoying and hurts but tolerable
Cooled off a little, ended up judging someone
For time
40 cals each on AB/row/ski @ 85%
rest 4 min
30 cals each @ 90%
rest 3 min
20 cals each @ 95%
rest 2 min
10 cals each hard effort
I think 24:22
20’s were the hardest. Legs were tired on the row in the 20’s and 10’s.
Hang from climbing rope x 4 sets for max effort, switch top hand each set, rest to recovery
Completely forgot this damnit
will update you on thoughts for tomorrow in an email a little later