Tuesday – 2/27/2018 – TTT

10 min AB @ 250 watts
10 min mobility work for hips/shoulders and soft tissue work on traps and forearms
I don’t recall the last time I was looking forward this much to mobility work
30 min easy effort
90 sec bike @ 250 watts
12 wallballs @ 20lbs
6 burpees to 6in touch
90 sec bike @ 250 watts
30 DU’s
15ft HSW
I kind of zoned out when I got into this, dont completely recall how many times through, finished on handstand walk and went about 60-70ft because why the hell not. Started out felt pretty heavy and then by the end I felt really fluid and loose.
5-10 min mixed ‘flow’ cooldown – move around actively, locomotion/tumbling/gymnastics/etc

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