Thoracic CAR’s from kneeling x 3 circles/direction
Lightly loaded jefferson curls from deficit x 3 sets of 5 reps
Serratus anterior wall slides with full breath cycle at each iteration of range, rest 90 sec x 3
Mini band psoas march from supine x 5/side
Banded good mornings x 15
rest 90 sec x 3 sets
(Workout prep)
4-5 sets
1 min bike w/progressive build with last 8 sec hard
5-7 double kb snatch + 20-30ft oh walk
Wanted additional warm up that would simulate an open workout. The only thing different I will do is make the warm up a little longer and spend some more time in a higher elevated heart rate zone for a bit longer. But with this warm up in the 4th set on the bike it was pretty easy to hold upper 400+ watts within that minute and I thought that was a good indicator of not to waste much more time in warm up.
10 min window
4 rounds of
30 cal row
15 toes to bar
AMRAP in remaining time
25ft HS walk lengths (make a halfway line at 12.5 feet, and that will be your reset point if you come down)
8:52 on couplet + 25ft handstand
Last round of t2b was 14-1 all others unbroken (I think I got in my own head like go for it you no you can do it, then the negative thought crept in, like maybe should break because there’s no way.) so I should’ve at least attempted to fight for rep 15. Row was 1500+ first set, 1200+ 2&3, and 1100 on most of last, (took a few seconds to get going though)
Really wanted to push some limits here because I knew there wasn’t going to much time to dick around.
Grip was gone and was a struggle to keep fingers on my left hand straight. When inverted ring finger kept getting bent definitely effected mentally and physically.
10 min easy bike flush
10 min mobility work on