Wednesday- 1/31/2018 – TTT

Had a great warm up and some really good db skill exposure and was hyper focused on prepping for the conditioning piece that when I looked back at the day and was pretty close to forgetting about A & B. Well damn, so hit those up and didn’t have time to go through the whole warm up again for the conditioning at that point.
DB skill exposure (low volume work in same patterns as last week)
A – Front rack reverse alternating lunges from deficit x 16 (8/side, work from a 3-4inches), rest 2 min x 4 sets
135 across
B – Snatch grip single leg RDL x 8/side, rest 90 sec x 3 sets/side
75 across
Much better balance and control this week.
AMRAP 12 min
50 dbl DB shoulder to overhead @ 50/hand
40 C2B
30 deadlifts @ 225lbs

18 pull ups into 2nd round
Db sto 17-13-
PUp 14-7-12-8
DL – 12-10-8
Sto – smaller sets don’t remember shit. Didn’t really want to finish but told myself you have no excuse. Finished with 38 seconds. Took two deep breaths and jumped on the pull up rig and hit 18 unbroken, dropped off with 6 seconds left and attempted to do one on a low bar and just couldn’t get in s good position.
Had a semi plan but wanted to see if and where I had a pull up breakdown, but my plan was more go off of feel with pull ups and see what I could do on the back end and how I would manage any fatigue.
Hindsight, would’ve done a few smaller sets on first set of sto, pull ups felt good and would’ve had a little more structure but felt pretty good with those two larger sets for me. Also in hindsight I would’ve paid more fucking attention.

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