Saturday – 1/27/2018 – TTT

Min 1 – 6 fast burpees
Min 2 – 6 1-arm russian swings (3/side)
Min 3 – 6 sec HARD AB
rest walk 3 min x 3 times through
3 rounds @ 88%
12 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs
12 burpee box jump overs @ 24in
rest 4 min
2 rounds @ 90%
24 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50bs
15 burpee box jump overs @ 24in
(rest 4 min)
1 round @ 92%
36 1-arm alternating DB snatches
18 burpee box jump overs @ 24in

Had a goal to beat all my times from last week, and I was pretty close on all of them, proof I felt like dog shit. Did start playing around with some transitional things on the round with 18 bbxjo that made it quicker but not super sustainable I feel.

Jefferson curls x 4 slow reps
Negative body levers x 3 slow reps
2 dead hang to inverted on rings
rest as needed x 3 times through

Negative body levers are no joke –

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