Friday – 12/1/2017 – TTT

3 sets
Row 30 cals
20 box jump step downs @ 24in
3 squat snatches @ 185lbs
rest 3 min
3:09 – 1:15/1406
3:11 – 1:19.9/1320
3:13 – 1:21.3/1299
Making myself work hard on rowing is more of a mental battle back and forth as opposed to physical. Did feel like I got some breakdown in row mechanics today though. Will say with the few seconds longer on the rower, was quicker in bt sets of the barbell. Meant to check click on all, but felt box jumps were relatively consistent.
3 sets
10 bar facing burpees
10 alternating pistols
3 squat cleans @ 245
rest 3 min
All burpee we’re down around 29-31 sec
Axle bar zercher carry 100ft, new set every 120 sec x 6
Hurts arm just as much as midline. Definitely can load up more here but was just feeling it out and enjoying the exposure

so I ended having to sub in coaching when I would’ve trained. So I hit this session with not an ideal warm up. Just didn’t want to be at the gym until 10 o’clock. This definitely hurt some output on the ski

800m Run @~5k run pace
Rest 30sec, into:
1:00 Ski @225w
1:00 Ski @250w
1:00 Ski @275w
….etc cont until you hit a 9/10 RPE (loss of posture/head position, uncontrolled breathing, etc)
Rest 3-4 Minutes
x3 sets

first set got into the minute with 300w and just couldn’t maintain that output at all.
2nd – broke down and 275 was a fight and not pretty and was jumping all over the place.
3rd set – wanted the volume and was afraid I wouldn’t get it based on the 2nd set so I started my first minute at 200w and ended up finishing the 275 a lot more clean and crisp than the first set. It was the same story for the 300 though.

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