EMOM x 30
Min 1 – 40 sec ski @ 1:50/500m pace
Min 2 – 5 burpees + 10 dbl KB snatch (split 5/5) @ 53/hand
Min 3 – Run 150m out and back
Min 4 – 5 burpees + 15 dbl KB deadlifts @ 53/hand
Min 5 – Rest
Dbl KB front rack hold from tall kneeling x 30 sec, rest 60 sec
Sorenson hold with plate hugged to chest x 30 sec, rest 60 sec
15lb plate
Straight arm star plank x 15-20 sec/side, rest 60 sec x 3 times through
20 first set but got sloppy so stayed with 15 sec last 2 sets.
This was a fun training piece today. Double kb snatch felt way better than the last time we did them a long time ago. Felt fairly comfortable and think they could help my overhead position as well. Ski pace stayed around 1:57 even when I tried to slow it down. Just got tired of doing burpee, not tired from them, just got tired of doing them.