Saturday – 9/16/2017 – TTT

My own fault for not having a proper warm up dialed in and some parental duties that put me in a position to rush, looking back though the only thing I missed was 2 sets of the floating deads.

A – Paused squat clean – new rep every 45 sec x 20, 2 sec pause below knee each rep
1st 3 @ 215
4-10 @ 225
11-15 @ 235
16-20 @ 245
B – Floating clean grip deadlifts 6 sets of 4, rest 2 min
@ 185
Was afraid of time so I didn’t push the eight and did 4 sets
C1 – Heels elevated back rack cyclist squats x 8, rest 90 sec
@ 125
Thank you for not doing tempo here (yet!?!?)
C2 – Dbl KB deadlifts x 10 TNG reps, rest 90 sec x 4 sets
Done at 90’s
5 burpees AFAP, rest 50 sec
8 heavy russian swings, rest 50 sec
10 sec HARD AB, rest 3 min x 3 sets
Swings done @ 90
I think I hit 1400+ watts each time
1 set for time, high effort
Bike 20 cals
20 dbl DB thrusters @ 45/hand
Bike 20 cals

First 20 cals done @ 22 seconds, hit 18 at about 17/18 seconds and let the follow through of bike finish.
Thrusters were steady movement until about rep 17-18 and didn’t feel as efficient.
Back on the bike and I told myself that I had to get up to 700 watts to finish it out, took me about 15-20 seconds to do so, but was at 500+ when I hopped back on

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